
Nara offers a funded kindergarten program.
In 2014, kindergarten is offered Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 
rom 8:30am - 1:30pm. After kinder care will be offered on each day.

What is kindergarten?
Kindergarten is an early learning program for children in the year before school. When attending a kindergarten program your child’s self-confidence, ability to use and recognise language and physical skills are developed through play, art, dance, music, movement and interacting with others. Most importantly the kindergarten experience provides your child the opportunity to learn.


What can I expect?
• A program delivered in accordance with the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework.
• A broad range of experiences for your child that cater for all areas of learning.
• Focus on knowing your child and providing experiences that match each child’s strengths, abilities and interests.
• Learning that will happen through your child’s active participation and through play based activities and experiences.
• Preparation of a Transition Learning and Development Statement for your child’s transition into school the
following year.

You will be given information about your child and her or his experiences, and you will also be consulted, supported and encouraged to share your ideas and insights.